Software Development,
Technical Maintenance and Deployment in Cloud Services
‎‎ ‎9 000 €
For those who want to master advanced skills in software development, technical maintenance, and deployment in cloud services. Tailored for professionals, this course provides a deep understanding of the practical aspects of DevOps and the art of integrating AI into software development.
Effective DevOps integration
Skills to optimally deploy and manage applications in cloud environments
Integration of AI into the development lifecycle
Training Course Program
What kind of result will you get
Participants in this course will develop an in-depth understanding of how to integrate and implement AI into DevOps processes. They will learn best practices for deploying and managing applications in cloud environments, acquiring key skills for successful project implementation. The course will enable participants not only to optimize technical aspects of development, but also to effectively use the capabilities of AI, increasing the competitiveness of their projects in the modern IT space.
Student feedback on the course
This course was a real eye-opener for me in the world of DevOps and AI. The classes were structured, easy to understand and, most importantly, practically oriented. Now I feel ready to tackle challenging development and maintenance tasks.
Alfred Hayes
The instructors gave many opportunities to put theoretical knowledge into practice using modern tools. I learned skills that I can immediately apply in my current work.
Edmund Griffin
The course is great for professionals looking to update their competencies in cloud services and artificial intelligence. After completing it, I feel more confident in working with modern development technologies.
Harold Bryant
Effective combination of theory and practice. Each lesson was saturated with concrete examples from real practice, which makes learning the material more interesting and applicable in real work scenarios.
Osvald Foster
Thank you very much for the clear explanation of complex concepts. I gained not only knowledge on DevOps and Artificial Intelligence, but also learned how to apply them in practice. I recommend this course to anyone who wants to keep up to date with the latest trends in software development and maintenance.
Andris Ķenišs
What you will get after the course
  1. Methods of development and integration of AI into DevOps processes, ensuring optimal implementation and use of AI technologies in various projects.
  2. Knowledge in maintaining, ensuring reliable operation and support of software products in a cloud services environment.
  3. Deployment skills in cloud services to ensure scalability and resilience.
  4. Optimize DevOps processes including development, testing and deployment cycles, improving efficiency and accelerating delivery of software products.
  5. Modern tools and technologies used in DevOps and development in cloud environments, allowing you to successfully apply what you've learned to practical projects.
Official school certificate
Recordings of all lectures
10% discount on any of our courses
Price without discount 10 000 €
9 000 €
Course fees
If you register early (over a month prior to the beginning of the course), you will receive a 10% discount on the entire program.
Register for the course and get 10% off!
Fill out the form and we'll send you a confirmation email.
"Cosmopolitacademy" LLC
TIN: 08256519
Komitas 19/1, Erevan, Armenia