AI for Finance: Development of Automated Trading Systems

‎‎ ‎8 100 €
For finance professionals, traders, analysts, and developers seeking to leverage AI technologies in the development of automated trading systems. Whether you're a seasoned trader looking to enhance your strategies or a developer interested in integrating AI into financial applications, this course provides the knowledge and tools necessary to succeed in the fast-paced world of algorithmic trading.
Enhanced Trading Strategies
Increased Efficiency and Accuracy
Competitive Edge in the Market
Training Course Program
What kind of result will you get
Participants will emerge from the course with the ability to develop and implement AI-driven automated trading systems. This equips them with a competitive advantage in the finance industry, opening up opportunities for lucrative careers as quantitative analysts, algorithmic traders, and financial engineers. Additionally, their contributions to integrating AI in finance drive innovation and efficiency in trading practices.
Student feedback on the course
A solid course indeed! Practical skills in AI-driven trading systems are invaluable.
Arjun Vasiliev
The content was comprehensive. It provided useful insights into AI techniques for finance.
Zlata Kovač
Impressive hands-on experience with trading algorithms. Boosted my confidence in AI-powered finance.
Stanislav Pavić
Good value for the investment. It gave me a competitive edge in the finance industry.
Tatjana Lukić
Highly beneficial course. Practical knowledge acquired opens doors to exciting career opportunities in finance.
Dmitrije Kovačević
What you will get after the course
  1. Expertise in AI for Finance: Participants gain proficiency in developing automated trading systems using AI techniques.
  2. Practical Skills: The course provides hands-on experience in designing and implementing trading algorithms.
  3. Competitive Edge: Graduates possess a competitive advantage in the finance industry.
  4. Career Opportunities: Completion opens doors to roles like quantitative analysts and algorithmic traders.
  5. Innovation: Participants contribute to finance by integrating AI for more efficient trading practices.
Official school certificate
Recordings of all lectures
10% discount on any of our courses
Price without discount 9 000 €
8 100 €
Course fees
If you register early (over a month prior to the beginning of the course), you will receive a 10% discount on the entire program.
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"Cosmopolitacademy" LLC
TIN: 08256519
Komitas 19/1, Erevan, Armenia