AI for Design and Manufacturing: Educational Program

‎‎ ‎8 100 €
This educational program is intended for students and professionals in engineering, design, and manufacturing sectors. It provides training on how to apply artificial intelligence to streamline processes, boost efficiency, and drive innovation in these industries.
AI Application in Design
Process Automation
Data Analysis and Interpretation
Training Course Program
What kind of result will you get
Participants will receive training in AI applications for design and manufacturing, focusing on enhancing problem-solving skills, implementing automation, and mastering data analysis. The program aims to equip them with the necessary skills to excel in technology-driven industries and improve operational efficiencies.
Student feedback on the course
The course provided practical AI applications that significantly improved our design efficiency.
Aivars Bērziņš
Instructors were knowledgeable, making complex concepts in AI and automation understandable.
Dailis Kalniņš
I appreciated the focus on data analysis; it's already enhancing our project outcomes.
Laimdota Ozoliņa
The course was a great blend of theory and practice, ideal for professionals in manufacturing.
Vizma Liepiņa
Useful training that has equipped me with advanced skills to stay competitive in my field.
Zintis Vilkājs
What you will get after the course
  1. Ability to apply AI techniques to solve complex design and manufacturing challenges.
  2. Knowledge on automating processes that streamline production and reduce waste.
  3. Skills in handling and interpreting large data sets to make informed decisions and predict trends
  4. Insights into cutting-edge AI applications that can drive innovation within their fields.
  5. Enhanced qualifications that make participants more attractive to employers in technology-driven industries.
Official school certificate
Recordings of all lectures
10% discount on any of our courses
Price without discount 9 000 €
8 100 €
Course fees
If you register early (over a month prior to the beginning of the course), you will receive a 10% discount on the entire program.
Register for the course and get 10% off!
Fill out the form and we'll send you a confirmation email.
"Cosmopolitacademy" LLC
TIN: 08256519
Komitas 19/1, Erevan, Armenia