Emerging Trends: Artificial Intelligence and

New Technologies in Management

‎‎ ‎8 100 €
For those who want to stay ahead of the curve on issues related to AI and new technologies. Participants will learn the latest trends in management, deepen their knowledge of AI, blockchain, data analytics and other emerging technologies, gaining key skills for effective leadership in today's businesses.
Deep understanding of AI principles and control technologies
Skills in Applying New Technologies
Strategic Vision for Technology Opportunities
Training Course Program
What kind of result will you get
Participants of this course will gain advanced knowledge of the role of AI and new technologies in modern management, experience with data analysis tools, ML and business process automation. They will learn how to develop strategies for implementing AI and new technologies, as well as identifying key performance indicators.
Student feedback on the course
AI in Management was a game-changer. Practical projects, diverse content, and expert instructors made it invaluable for anyone in the tech-driven business.
Matthias Müller
This course is a must. Engaging, unique, and hands-on – it unraveled the impact of AI and new tech on management.
Isabella Schmidt
A revelation in tech and management. Dynamic projects and insightful lectures transformed my skills and mindset.
Alessandro Rossi
Fantastic decision. Expert instructors and practical focus prepared me for AI in management roles.
Antonia Kowalski
Transformative experience. Integrated tech and management seamlessly, broadening my perspective on the future of management.
Victor Meier
What you will get after the course
  1. Participants will gain in-depth knowledge of the role and application of AI in modern management.
  2. They will acquire skills in working with data analysis, ML and business process automation tools.
  3. They will learn to develop strategies for successful implementation of AI and new technologies.
  4. Learning how to apply AI in project management and resource planning.
  5. prepare for the ethical and legal issues of using new technologies in management.
Official school certificate
Recordings of all lectures
10% discount on any of our courses
Price without discount 9 000 €
8 100 €
Course fees
If you register early (over a month prior to the beginning of the course), you will receive a 10% discount on the entire program.
Register for the course and get 10% off!
Fill out the form and we'll send you a confirmation email.
"Cosmopolitacademy" LLC
TIN: 08256519
Komitas 19/1, Erevan, Armenia