The SmartNutri: AI in Nutritionology for Professionals
‎‎ ‎8 100 €
For professionals in the field of nutritional science and nutrition, as well as anyone seeking to deepen their knowledge in the application of AI to nutrition and health. You will learn how to create personalized nutrition plans and predict outcomes to optimize patient health and well-being.
Enhanced diagnostic accuracy and recommendations
Effective disease management
Research and innovation in nutrition science
Training Course Program
What kind of result will you get
Participants in this course will gain a deep understanding of the application of AI in dietetics and learn how to successfully integrate advanced technologies into their professional practice to optimize the health of their clients.
Student feedback on the course
An innovative approach to using AI in nutrition. Highly recommended!
Davit Khachatryan
Valuable knowledge which is immediately applicable in practice.
Elza Dombrovskis
Instructors are professionals. The course provided new perspectives for my career.
Laura Rodriguez
Easily digestible material, new methods for optimizing diets.
Maria Morozova
New tools for more accurate recommendations. A valuable experience!
Emīlija Kauliņa
What you will get after the course
  1. The ability to apply AI technologies and algorithms to optimize diets and nutrition.
  2. Data analysis skills to identify nutrition trends and determine optimal meal plans.
  3. A deep understanding of using Machine Learning for customizing dietary plans for individual clients.
  4. Evaluation and application skills of various software tools to enhance meal planning processes.
  5. Effective utilization of data and research findings to provide more accurate and personalized dietary recommendations for clients.
Official school certificate
Recordings of all lectures
10% discount on any of our courses
Price without discount 9 000 €
8 100 €
Course fees
If you register early (over a month prior to the beginning of the course), you will receive a 10% discount on the entire program.
Register for the course and get 10% off!
Fill out the form and we'll send you a confirmation email.
"Cosmopolitacademy" LLC
TIN: 08256519
Komitas 19/1, Erevan, Armenia